Биологические особенности некоторых сортов рода Atragene L. в Южно-Уральском ботаническом саду

Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Аграрная Россия. :3-6
ISSN: 1999-5636
Popis: The results of long-term introduction study of 3 varieties of Atragene L. genus (Lagoon, Pruinina, and Rosy O’Grandy), which are perspective for vertical gardening, are presented. They differ in high decorative effect thanks to various scale of coloring of flowers and early, plentiful, and long blossoming. A seasonal rhythm of growth and development and morphometric parameters were investigated. An assessment of the prospects of introduction is given. The research of 3 varieties of Atragene was conducted on the collection site of tree-like lianas in the Bashkir Cis-Urals (the northern forest-steppe). The studied varieties of Atragene under the conditions of the culture completely go through all stages of life cycle. They are long-vegetative spring-summer-autumn-green plants with the period of winter rest and spring term of awakening. On terms of blossoming they relate to the group of late-spring-early-summer-blossoming plants and on blossoming duration — to the group of the long-blossoming plants (about a month). The variety Rosy O’Grandy has the highest plants. The variety Pruinina has the largest flowers on a short pedicel, but the internal sepals are absent, unlike 2 other sorts. Also this variety differs in the largest leaves. The variety Lagoon differs in the greatest number of flowers on a plant. The culture of these varity is very perspective for vertical gardening of gardens and parks of Ufa, other settlements of the South Urals, and Central Russia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE