Estresse ocupacional no ambiente hospitalar: revisão das estratégias de enfrentamento dos trabalhadores de Enfermagem

Autor: Silmar Maria da Silva, Maria Lucia Alves de Sousa Costa, Rafaella Cristina Souza
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho. 16:493-502
ISSN: 2447-0147
Popis: Background The nursing work process might contribute to the development of occupational stress, as it demands considerable attention and responsibility. Workers have resource to strategies to cope with stressors in the workplace. Coping strategies are ways to manage stress and minimize the effects of stressors to preserve the physical and emotional well-being. Objective To identify through a literature review the strategies to cope with occupational stress adopted by hospital nursing professionals. Method A literature search was conducted in databases Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and Nursing Database (BDENF) via Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Results Twenty-five studies were selected, 14 with quantitative, 9 with qualitative, and 2 with quantitative-qualitative approach. The located coping strategies were categorized according to the Coping with Job Stress (CJS) scale which classifies ways to cope with problems in the workplace under three categories: control, escape and symptom management. On these grounds, our literature review identified 4 control, 8 escape and 7 symptom management strategies. Conclusions Control strategies were considered efficacious to manage stress.
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