Trachyserphus defrictus Townes in Townes & Townes 1981, comb. n

Autor: Kolyada, Victor, Mostovski, Mike B.
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6044665
Popis: Trachyserphus defrictus (Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981), comb. n. (Figs 3 A���J) Sminthoserphus defrictus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981: 57 (male). Redescription. Male: Fore wing length 3.1 mm. Frons sparsely pilose, entire head except for frons finely punctate. Area between antennal sockets weakly convex, slightly pointed. Distance between antennal sockets 1.2 times as great as their diameter. Occipital carina present, not reaching oral carina for about 0.3 of its lower part. Сlypeus flat, wide and short, its apex broadly truncate. Distance from lower edge of clypeus to centre of tentorial pit 0.8 of distance to lower edge of antennal socket. Labrum gently rounded apically. Mandible moderately stout, with a single point. Gena high, 0.38 eye height. Antenna long, filiform; 3rd antennomere 3 times as long as broad; flagellomeres with no noticeable tyloids. Eye bare. Notauli narrow, devoid of coarse sculpture basally, reaching mid mesoscutum as shallow depressions. Mesoscutum posteriorly without noticeable depressions. Humeral tubercle well developed, broadly rounded, with neither keels nor wrinkles. Pronotal scrobe with coarse vertical wrinkles. Speculum without fan of developed keels in upper anterior part. Horizontal mesopleural groove deep and wide. Vertical mesopleural suture entirely foveate, large, below with group of diverging coarse wrinkles. Longer spur of hind tibia reaching 0.5 basitarsus length. Propodeum with coarse reticulation and long rather dense setae, dorsally with two large lateral areas separated by weakly reticulated keel. Metapleuron laterally with shiny bare area occupying about half of its surface; the area with shallow but distinct groove in its upper part. Stigma deep, trapezoid. Fore wing basally with indistinct medio-cubital crossvein. Syntergite base with small longitudinal groove. First pair of tyridia elongate, slightly longer than longitudinal groove at base of syntergite. Colour: Body black, shining; legs entirely yellow. Stigma light brown. Female: Unknown. Type material examined. Holotype ♂: Mexico: Durango, El Salto [23��47'N 105��22'W], 9000 ft, 1.vii.1964, W.R.M. Mason (CNCI). Distribution. Mexico. Remarks. Sminthоserphus defrictus Townes, 1981 was placed in the South American Sminthоserphus on the basis of its superficial similarity to other members of the genus. Scrutiny of S. defrictus characters has proved that the species does not belong to Sminthоserphus and should be included in the new genus Trachyserphus. The edges of the syntergite in S. defrictus are broadly overlapping ventrally along its posterior third, whereas species of Sminthоserphus are characterized by non-overlapping syntergite edges that leave a wide portion of the synsternite visible.
Published as part of Kolyada, Victor & Mostovski, Mike B., 2017, Revision of the genus Hormoserphus Townes, 1981 (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupidae), with description of Trachyserphus gen. n. and a new species, pp. 575-583 in Zootaxa 4254 (5) on pages 579-581, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4254.5.6,
{"references":["Townes, H. & Townes, M. (1981) A revision of the Serphidae (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 32, 1 - 541."]}
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