'The Impact Of External Factors On The Decision Togrant A Loan. A Case Studz On Romanian Banks '

Autor: Lucian Gaban
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica. 1:15-26
ISSN: 2344-4975
DOI: 10.29302/oeconomica.2016.18.1.1
Popis: The objective of this study is to identify external factors having a significant impacton the probability of granting a loan, and to construct a credit scoring model for small andmedium enterprises. Applying the logit analysis, we have found three external predictors whichcharacterize the firm's financial condition. These predictors are as follows: EBITDA, ROI, andCR, and they influence the decision to grant a loan. The significant non-linear effects improvethe quality and prediction power of the model. These external factors predict 85 percent, a highpercentage of correctly classified observations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE