Ptiloneura columnaris Garc��a Aldrete & Obando & Gironza 2020, sp. n

Autor: Garc��a Aldrete, Alfonso N., Obando, Ranulfo Gonz��lez, Gironza, Nancy Carrejo
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3718184
Popis: Ptiloneura columnaris sp. n. (Figs 2-13) Diagnosis. Hypandrium of five sclerites; differing from other species having hypandrium of five sclerites in having the posterior side sclerites of the central sclerite small to medium sized, distally acuminate, directed posteriorly; median posterior process of the central sclerite stout, columnar, distally rounded (Figs 7 A-B). Close to P. cuzcoensis sp. n., differing from it in the shape of the areola postica, hypandrium and endophallic sclerites. Male. Color. Body brown to cream. Head brown (Fig. 4) with two ochre bands from the inner border of each compound eye to the epistomal sulcus, enclosing the antennal fossae. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Vertex light brown, with brown spots. Postclypeus with brown to ochre V-shaped area, light brown to yellowish mesally. Anteclypeus and labrum brown to dark brown. Genae dark brown, postgenae light brown to cream, with white areas. Antennae: scape and pedicel dark brown, flagellomeres pale brown, with apices cream. Maxillary palps light brown, Mx4 distally brown. Pronotum cream with brown spots; tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Propleura and metapleura cream with light brown spots, mesopleura dark brown. Legs: fore and middle coxae dark brown, hind coxae cream with light brown spots; trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi 1 light brown, tarsi 2 and 3 pale brown. Wings hyaline to yellowish (when alive or recently dead), forewing pterostigma dark brown or with orange areas, with hyaline areas proximally and medially; a pale brown, brown or yellowish marginal band from R4+5 to distal half of 1A; the band shaped like a series of narrow arches, with hyaline fenestrae on each side of the veins ends. Hindwings veins brown. Abdomen: tergum cream, with subcuticular ochre spots, sternum brown, with cream spots. Clunium pale brown. Sclerites of hypandrium brown to light brown; phallosome dark brown. Epiproct and paraprocts light brown, with dark brown spots. Morphology. Head (Fig. 4) H/MxW: 0.92; large compound eyes, H/d: 3.59; IO/MxW: 0.50; vertex slightly above the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with 7-8 denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.09. Forewings (Fig. 2) L/W: 2.59; pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.28, elongate, wider in the middle, petiolate basally; M six-nine branched, sometimes M6, M7 or M8 forked (Table 1); areola postica: la/ha: 1.16, tall, relatively narrow, slightly slanted posteriorly, apically rounded. Hindwings (Fig. 3) l/w: 2.72; M four-six branched, often five-six branched (Table 1). Hypandrium (Fig. 7), central sclerite little sclerotized laterally, mesally sulcate, with tufts of long macrosetae on each side, posterior median process distally rounded. Posterior side sclerites connected latero-posteriorly by membranes to the central sclerite; two processes distally acuminate, one directed outwards and one directed posteriorly. Phallosome (Fig. 6) Y-shaped anteriorly, side struts wide; external parameres elongate, with rounded apices bearing small pores. Five endophallic sclerites. A mesal transverse sclerite, with posterior margin convex and anteriorly concave, mesal sclerite processes proximally slender, bent mesally, apices sclerotized, curved outwards; lateral sclerites long, basally wide, curved, acuminate distally. Paraprocts (Fig. 5) oval, setae as illustrated; sensory fields with 30 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (Fig. 5) anteriorly convex, posteriorly rounded, with setae and macrosetae as illustrated, with an anterior mesal, sclerotized line bearing two macrosetae. Measurements. FW: 6850, HW: 4557, F: 1562, T: 2875, t1:1100, t2:130, t3: 171, ctt1: 34, f1: 1130, f2: 1150, f3: 1065, f4: 982, f5: 600, f6: 550, f7: 387, f8: 350, f9: 275, f10: 262, f11: 225, Mx4: 380, IO: 700, D: 527, d: 360, IO/d: 1.94, PO: 0.68. Female. Color. Body, head, legs, wings, epiproct and paraprocts as in the males. Pigmented area of subgenital plate dark brown (Fig. 12). Gonapophyses: v1 hyaline with long brown longitudinal area, v2+3 with hyaline and brown area. IX sternum yellowish to cream, with one lateral-posterior dark brown spot on each side. *Number of branches originated in bifurcations Morphology. Head (Fig. 10) H/MxW: 0.96; large compound eyes, H/d: 4.0; IO/MxW: 0.51; vertex above the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with 7-8 denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.1 Forewings (Fig. 8) L/W: 2.50; pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.16; M seven-nine branched, M7 or M8 forked (Table 1); areola postica: la/ha: 0.87, tall, apically rounded. Hindwings (Fig. 9) l/w: 2.86; M four-six branched (Table 1). Subgenital plate (Fig. 12) wide, apex rounded, with abundant setae; pigmented area U-shaped, sides anteriorly wide, narrowing posteriorly, with bridge slender. Gonapophyses (Fig. 13): v1 elongate, slender and acuminate distally, with spicules distally; v2+3 with anterior long and slender heel, with 7-8 macrosetae on v2; distal process long, acuminate, with spicules on distal surface. Ninth sternum (Fig. 13) well sclerotized, cup-shaped, anteriorly wide and with two lobular areas, anterior area with convex anterior margin, posterior area convex laterally and concave-convex in the middle; posterior membranous area as illustrated. Paraprocts (Fig. 11) broad, oval, with long and short setae distally. Sensory fields with 26 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (Fig. 11) triangular, posterior margin rounded, with long and short setae, mesally with three macrosetae, distally with two macrosetae laterally and others on posterior margin, as illustrated. Measurements. FW: 5925, HW: 4000, F: 1450, T: 2440, t1: 975, t2: 134, t3: 160, ctt1: 30, f1: 1050, f2: 1070, f3: 975, Mx4: 298, IO: 685, D: 472, d: 320, IO/d: 2.14, PO: 0.68. Material studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Huila. Palestina, La Mensura, 1�� 43��� 14.7������N: 76�� 07��� 7.08������ W. 1753 m. 30.VIII.2019. N. Vargas, J. S. Ca��as & R. Gonz��lez. Shannon light trap. MUSENUV slide code 29289. Paratypes: 1 male, same locality as the holotype, 30-31.VIII.2019, A. Arenas & R. Gonz��lez. Led light trap in forest canopy. MUSENUV slide code 29290. 1 male, National Natural Park Gu��charos (Huila, Acevedo), 1�� 36��� 55.32������N: 76�� 06��� 8.04������W. 1917 m. 2.VIII.2016. 2 females, PERU. Cuzco. Kos��ipata, Pillcopata, Sapam Sachayoc-Tunky Wasi (13��02���29.8���S: 71��30���21.8���W, 1150m), 24.IX.2019. N. Carrejo, on moss on tree trunk. MUSENUV slide code 29291. 8 males, same locality, 24-29.IX.2019. R. Gonz��lez & N. Carrejo. Led light trap in forest canopy. 12 males, same locality, 28-31.IX.2019. N. Carrejo & R. Gonz��lez. Led light trap in forest canopy. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the median columnar process of the central sclerite of the hypandrium.
Published as part of Garc��a Aldrete, Alfonso N., Obando, Ranulfo Gonz��lez & Gironza, Nancy Carrejo, 2020, On the genera Ptiloneura Enderlein, Loneura Nav��s, and Loneuroides Garc��a Aldrete (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Ptiloneuridae), pp. 291-309 in Zootaxa 4751 (2) on pages 296-300, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4751.2.5,
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