Modelling the site index of Pinus pinaster plantations in Turkey using ecological variables

Autor: Özdemir Şentürk, Selda Akgül, Mehmet Türkkan, Cezmi Özel, Şükrü Teoman Güner
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Forestry Research. 32:589-598
ISSN: 1993-0607
Popis: The determination of site productivity in forest ecosystems plays a crucial role in resource management. This study was carried out to identify relationships between site characteristics and height growth of Corsican maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) plantations in Turkey. Sixty-nine sample plots > 20 years of age were selected from locations with different inclinations, aspects, elevations, slope positions and site class. Soil samples were taken at various depths. Height and age were measured on a dominant tree after felling in each plot. Physical and chemical properties of the soil were determined. Relationships between site index (SI25) and physiographic factors, climatic attributes as well as soil properties were evaluated using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Site index was significantly related with annual precipitation, mean spring rainfall, rainfall June to September, rainfall of the driest month, length of the dry period, mean maximum temperature, mean temperature of the warmest month, stoniness of the soil, sand, silt, clay, pH, electrical conductivity, and available water capacity. Multiple regression accounted for 57.9% of variations in height growth. The models obtained can be used to determine the site index of potential areas in Turkey for maritime pine. It can be said that the productivity of maritime pine may decline in the future due to global climate change.
Databáze: OpenAIRE