Inter-laboratory comparison of sonic nozzles at KRISS

Autor: Joel T. Park, Jong S. Paik, Kyung Am Park
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 11:339-344
ISSN: 0955-5986
DOI: 10.1016/s0955-5986(00)00031-5
Popis: KRISS has recently participated in two inter-laboratory comparisons of the discharge coefficients, Cd, for sonic nozzles. All laboratories involved in these inter-laboratory comparisons have primary facilities, either volume or mass based systems, for calibration of nozzles. The first one is the North American inter-laboratory comparison of the NOVA 10-mm nozzle. The second one is an inter-comparison of ISO 9300 toroidal throat nozzle package from Ford Motor C. The recent KRISS results of these tests will be reported, and recommendation will be made for future inter-laboratory comparisons.
Databáze: OpenAIRE