Interaksi Genotipe x Lingkungan untuk Hasil Gabah Padi Sawah

Autor: Nafisah Nafisah, Trias Sitaresmi, Yudhistira Nugraha, Cucu Gunarsih, Ida Hanarida, Bambang Suprihatno, I.G.P. Muliarta, Hajrial Aswidinnoor, A. A. Daradjat, Buang Abdullah
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. 35:89
ISSN: 2541-5174
Popis: Grain yield of rice is determined by genotype (G), environment (E), and interaction between genotype x environment (G x E). Variety can achieve its maximum yield potential if it is grown in suitable environments. This study was aimed to determine the adaptability and the yield stability of rice genotypes grown in different environments. Sixteen rice genotypes were tested using RBD in 16 sites during the wet season of 2010/2011, and dry season of 2011. The tested rice lines were developed for resistance to pest and diseases. The experiment unit was 4 m x 5 m of plot, plants were fertilized with urea, SP36, and KCl at rates of 250 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha, and 100 kg/ha, respectively. Variable observed was grain yield per plot. Combined analyses of variance showed that there was no lines yielded higher than did check variety Conde. The AMMI analysis showed that the largest variation was contributed by the environment factors (76.49%), genotype x environment interactions (17.55%), and the smallest was contributed by the genotypes (5.97%). Data exploration using boxplot method indicated that the low contribution of the genotype x environment interaction variance in this study was due to the high degree of similarity of yield potentials among the genotypes, and due to high similarity of environmental conditions of the sites.Based on the analysis of AMMI 2, lines B12743 - MR-18-2-3-8, IPB107-F-82-2-1, and Conde was each classified as widely adapted genotypes, while G8, IPB107-F-27-6-1, and BIO111-2-BC-PIR-3714, each was considered as genotype having a specific adaptation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE