Effect of sowing date of triticale on seasonal herbage production in the central Appalachian Highlands of the United States

Autor: W. M. Clapham, J. M. Fedders
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Grass and Forage Science. 63:447-457
ISSN: 1365-2494
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2008.00652.x
Popis: Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) was evaluated as a complementary pasture to buffer those periods when herbage production from mixed perennial pasture is marginal in the central Appalachian Highlands of the United States. Triticale was sown every month from May to October for five consecutive years from 1999 to 2003. Plant population structure and herbage production were evaluated at intervals until May of the year following establishment. Triticale established quickly at all times of sowing except late October. Wet summers resulted in foliar disease and a rapid decline in plant density when triticale was sown in May and June. In contrast, during the relatively dry summer of 1999, triticale stands exhibited minimal decline. Triticale sown in August had a herbage yield of 1580 kg DM ha )1 when harvested in October which was over twice the herbage yield of triticale sown in May, June and July. Average herbage yield in the following April of triticale sown in September was higher (1750 kg DM ha )1 ) and less variable than herbage yields from other sowing dates. Plant and tiller populations declined throughout the following April but herbage yields in May were high due to stem and seed head development associated with reproductive growth. Incorporating areas of triticale into mixed-species perennial pasture systems could buffer herbage production during hot and dry summer periods as well as during cool periods of late autumn and early spring.
Databáze: OpenAIRE