Basics of Color in Dentistry: A Review

Autor: Rakesh Vadher, Akashi Chaudhary, Manjit Kaur, Shikha Kanodia, Toral Savadhariya, Girish J. Parmar
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 13:78-85
ISSN: 2279-0853
DOI: 10.9790/0853-13917885
Popis: Think of the world without the color. Color can turn everything, even the unsightly, into a visual pleasure. Properly used, color creates atmosphere, defines space and proportion, establishes order and exudes emotion. To perceive all these one has to have the so-called color sense. (i.e. the ability to make the right color choice). Colored restoration or prostheses should impart the translucency and fluorescence of natural dentition, and reproduce the opacity and vitality of natural tooth structure. The practicing dentist apparently accommodates to the environmental influences of light and color in his surroundings to the extent that he is able to correct the color of the restoration or prosthesis to his own satisfaction and to that of his patients. In esthetic dentistry, the focus is on merging function and beauty with the values and the individual needs of the patient. The color of a restoration or prosthesis to surrounding teeth may be the only parameter of treatment with which the patient is concerned. It is often media driven and can result in a desire for excessively white and bright natural teeth that enhance the face, but do not attract unwarranted attention.
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