Autor: M. Kropyvko
Rok vydání: 2020
ISSN: 2307-5740
DOI: 10.31891/2307-5740-2020-288-6-22
Popis: The purpose of this study is to analyze the methodological support of investment processes in order to make effective management decisions. Key investment indicators have been identified. Theoretical aspects of investment are generalized, its features in the conditions of post-reform development of agrarian formations in the context of institutional transformations are defined. As a result of the study, the theoretical and methodological principles for studying investment processes in the agricultural sector are summarized by establishing their special features and conditions of implementation in accordance with the specifics, needs and importance of agricultural formations for food security. The investment of agrarian formations in the conditions of market relations, which takes place at different levels, in different conditions and with different purposes, requires a comprehensive study from different points of view, methodological approaches with the use of appropriate methodological apparatus. In the most general terms, research is carried out at different levels of investment activity. Accordingly, the main indicators of investment efficiency will differ at the macro level (level of resource provision of capital and financial investments, level of sectoral and regional concentration of investment resources, investment climate in the country) and micro level (resource provision of fixed assets at the enterprise level). levels of individual and institutional investors, investment qualities of investment instruments; investment attractiveness of enterprises, securities, real estate). Thus, the knowledge of investment activity in terms of different approaches that reveal the essence of its basic principles and principles is the most complete from a methodological point of view. Accordingly, considering investing in terms of systemic and process approach based on risk factors and calculated performance indicators, we get the opportunity to draw conclusions, generalizations, predictions that characterize its current and future state and contribute to the formation of holistic scientific knowledge about it. The methodology of investment activity research includes a subsystem of indicators that characterize the investment process and a subsystem of indicators of investment results obtained as a result of investment projects. An important approach that allows you to optimize the pace and structure of investment over time is a process approach that considers the phenomena in motion. This allows you to manage costs and make effective decisions before you start investing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE