Sampling Radius of a Porous Cup Sampler: Experimental Results

Autor: Birl Lowery, R. D. Morrison
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Ground Water. 28:262-267
ISSN: 1745-6584
Popis: Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the radius of soil (sand) sampled (Sr) by a porous cup sampler. Sr was defined by the detection of potassium bromide (KBr) in a sample when KBr was injected at horizontal distances of 5, 10, 15, 30, and 45 cm from the sampler. For quasi-static soil moisture conditions, the relation between Sr as defined by the arrival time of KBr (t) at the sampler (evacuated with a constant vacuum of 70kPa) after it was injected at a distance (x) was described by t = 1.4x2.3. As expected, desaturation occurred most rapidly near the sampler (0-5 cm). The amount of KBr collected on a mass balance basis was greatest when KBr was injected near the sampler and decreased with injection distance. The injection of KBr into the soil at a prescribed distance from the sampler was a better method for predicting Sr for a given time than change in matric potential of the soil.
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