Recent experience and trends in United States Air Force in-flight simulation

Autor: Steven Markman, Norman Weingarten
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2000-4580
Popis: The United States Air Force owns two in-flight simulator aircraft, the Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft (VISTA) NF-16D and the Total In-Flight Simulator (TIPS) NC-131H. Veridian Engineering of Buffalo NY operates these highly-modified aircraft. Recent programs completed on the VISTA include simulations of the X-38 Crew Return Vehicle and the Lockheed Joint Strike Fighter, and specialized training at the Air Force Test Pilot School. The TIPS has been used in recent years to support artificial visibility research for NASA's High Speed Research program. Extensive modifications were made to evaluate landings performed using high-resolution video displays of digital terrain pictures. Overviews and results of these programs will be presented. Limited R&D budgets in recent years have forced the Air Force into a new operating scheme in order to keep these unique research assets available for use. The transfer of the VISTA and TIPS to new operating schemes will be discussed. Recent In-Flight Simulation Programs Though flight activity has been significantly reduced in the past few years, there has been significant research and development activity on the TIPS and VISTA aircraft. These programs have included pure flying qualities research projects, systems development, test pilot training, and new aircraft development. The following is brief description of each aircraft and a discussion of flight programs which have been conducted in each of these aircraft over the past four
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