Gastric motility and emptying: Evaluation of the barostat method with MRI

Autor: Ingrid M. de Zwart, Paul Verbeek, Ad A.M. Masclee, Patrik Kunz, Hildo J. Lamb, Albert de Roos
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Gastroenterology. 124:A673
ISSN: 0016-5085
DOI: 10.1016/s0016-5085(03)83408-x
Popis: Background: "[he hawstat is an invasive method that involves the introduction ot an intragastnc bag and catheter and is not always we[! tolerated. Fu~hermore, it is not known whether the presence of a barnstat hag interferes with gastric mot;tRy and emptying Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ofiers the advantage of a non-invasive method to study both gastric motility and emptymg simultaneously, Aims: To evaluate the influence of the bamstat method on gastric motility and emptying by evaluation with dynamic MN. Materials and Methods: MRI alone attd MR/combined with bamstat measurements were perfnmmd in 14 healthy vnlunteers (SP. 6M; mean age 22.8+_ 5.1 yrs) under tasting condiions on two separate sessions in tvandom order Gastric motility t i e number of peristaltic contractions per minute and the contraction pattern) and gastric emptying were evaluated using 3D-vdume scans and 2D-dynamic scans Bawstat measurements were obtained simultaneousIy before and at regular imetvals after ingestion of a 20Oral liquid meal ( Nntridrmk, 300 KCal) mixed with gadoliinum during a 90rain obsen, ation period. MRI measurements with and without barostat bag were compared to assess potential disturbances in gastric physiology Results: Total mtragasmc volume in the combined session is larger than intragastric volume n the session wrth MRI alone, both before (347 +_ 36ml vs 37 -+ 6mi, p 0 5 ) Although the nmnber of con~racuons did not significantly dilfer betweeu both sessions (] 3.8 +_ 0 4 per 5 rain with barnstat vs 13 6 +_ 03 per 5 rain without barostat), the peristaltic contraction pattern was more reguIar without the barostat bag in situ Conclusion: MRI reveals sinrilar gastric emptying pattern both with and without the barostat bag in situ Gastric volume however, is markedly increased when using barostat The contraction pattern is more granular in the presence of an intragastric barostat bag Thus, p~vsence ol a gasmc barnstat bag intefleres with gastric physWlogy
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