Mobile P2P queries over temporal data

Autor: Steven Mudda, Silvia Giordano
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: PerCom Workshops
Popis: In this paper we evaluate the performance a mobile P2P query processing framework, where peers issue location-dependent range queries and receive temporal data. We consider an environment where stationary objects generate temporal data and peers issue location-dependent range queries. We evaluate this framework by varying the constraints of range queries and measure their effect on three metrics: percentage of queries satisfied, fraction of data received and query response time. From our simulations, we make two key observations: the range query constraints have no impact on the performance metrics beyond a certain threshold and the temporal nature of data drastically limits the mobility benefits (traditionally exploited by mobile P2P query systems). We also present scenarios where a mobile P2P query processing framework can be used to satisfy location-dependent range queries.
Databáze: OpenAIRE