Students behavioural analysis in an online learning environment using data mining

Autor: I. P. Ratnapala, Sampath Deegalla, Roshan Ragel
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 7th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability.
DOI: 10.1109/iciafs.2014.7069609
Popis: The focus of this research was to use Educational Data Mining (EDM) techniques to conduct a quantitative analysis of students interaction with an e-learning system through instructor-led non-graded and graded courses. This exercise is useful for establishing a guideline for a series of online short courses for them. A group of 412 students' access behaviour in an e-learning system were analysed and they were grouped into clusters using K-Means clustering method according to their course access log records. The results explained that more than 40% from the student group are passive online learners in both graded and non-graded learning environments. The result showed that the difference in the learning environments could change the online access behaviour of a student group. Clustering divided the student population into five access groups based on their course access behaviour. Among these groups, the least access group (NG-41% and G-42%) and the highest access group (NG-9% and G-5%) could be identified very clearly due to their access variation from the rest of the groups.
Databáze: OpenAIRE