Healthy Cities: A Political Project Designed to Change How Cities Understand and Deal with Health

Autor: Agis D. Tsouros
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Healthy Cities ISBN: 9781493966929
Popis: The healthy cities movement was launched at a time of great openness to new ideas and concepts in the area of public health. It was very attractive to local political leaders, it inspired a wide range of new actors and it spread very quickly. Healthy Cities as a project embodied a number of key features that proved crucial in its success, including a strong emphasis on values, political commitment, partnership-based approaches, democratic governance, strategic thinking and networking. It combined the discipline of a well-defined project involving committed cities with mechanisms of inclusiveness and engagement of all interested cities. Healthy Cities thrived at the cutting edge of public health continuously broadening and adapting its agenda to new knowledge, developments and emerging local needs. It has changed the way cities understand and deal with health. Healthy Cities represents a unique example of a long-term sustainable WHO initiative that forged strategic links with local governments. The evidence and experience accumulated in the past 27 years have demonstrated repeatedly that Healthy Cities works and it makes a difference. There is however a tremendous amount of knowledge out there in the cities that are part of this movement that was never documented and analysed. Healthy Cities is now more relevant than ever. The time is right for WHO and governments at all levels to use its potential to the full and actively recognize the importance of urban health and local leadership for health.
Databáze: OpenAIRE