Photoinduction des périthèces du Nectria galligena. II. Influence de la qualité de la lumière

Autor: R. Jacques, B. Dehorter, L. Lacoste
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Canadian Journal of Botany. 58:2212-2217
ISSN: 0008-4026
Popis: The influence of light quality on the sexual reproduction of Nectria galligena Bres. has been studied in three experimental series with progressive accuracy. The last one, as did the two previous experiments, showed that wavelengths of 320, 370, 420, 450 et 480 nm were the most effective for ascocarp production. The sexual induction stimulated by these five wavelengths has been demonstrated for an irradiation of 12 h, at 40 μW cm−2, applied on the 7th day of growth.The action spectrum of the photoinduced sexual stage and the absorption spectra of mycelia in vivo and aqueous acellular fungi extracts presented some similarities. The analysis of these results did not allow characterization of the nature of the photoreceptor molecule, but some hypotheses about mycosporine action are suggested by this work.
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