Рекурентні респіраторні інфекції в педіатричній практиці: ефективність застосування інозину пранобексу

Autor: T.P. Borysova, Т.В. Fedko, L.P. Badogina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: CHILD`S HEALTH. 13:674-680
ISSN: 2307-1168
DOI: 10.22141/2224-0551.13.7.2018.148921
Popis: The review of literature presents current data on terminology and causes of recurrent respiratory infections in children, the immunological basis for the recurrence of respiratory tract infections in childhood. A scheme of the standard examination of a child with recurrent respiratory infections is presented. Cha­racteristics of inosine pranobex, possessing antiviral and immunomodulatory action, are given. The results of studies on the clinical efficacy of inosine pranobex in recurrent respiratory infections in children are summarized. Dosage and regimens of inosine pranobex use are shown in recurrent respiratory diseases in children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE