Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Integrity Checks of High-Speed Data Buses

Autor: Kirankumar Kamisetty, Maynard C. Falconer, Konika Ganguly, Morgan Kristina D, Garrison W. Greenwood, Adam J. Norman
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: WEAH
DOI: 10.1109/weah.2007.361710
Popis: Today's high performance computer systems must have fast, reliable access to memory and I/O devices. Unfortunately, inter-symbol interference, transmission line effects and other noise sources can distort data transfers. Engineers must therefore determine if bus designs have signal integrity .e., the bus can transfer data with minimal amplitude or timing distortion. One method of determining signal quality on buses is to conduct a set of data transfers and measure various signal parameters at the receiver end. But the tests must be conducted with stressful test patterns that maximize inter-symbol interference to help identify any potential problems. In this paper we describe how an evolutionary algorithm was used to evolve such test patterns. All test results were obtained intrinsically
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