Residual Nutrient Discharge in Streamwaters Influenced by Sewage Effluent Spraying

Autor: Charles R. Goldman, Michael A. Perkins, Robert L. Leonard
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Ecology. 56:453-460
ISSN: 0012-9658
DOI: 10.2307/1934976
Popis: The disposal of secondary sewage effluent on a subalpine forest floor was in- vestigated in terms of its relationship to nutrient discharge in a Tahoe basin watershed. Heavenly Valley Creek showed significant increases in N03-1-N and ultraviolet absorbance downstream from a site that had been used for land disposal 5 yr prior to this study. These increases were traceable to subsurface discharge from the sprayed area. Evidence indicated that substances present in the spray area discharge and the streamwater are inhibitory to algal photosynthesis at in situ concentrations. This effect may be due in part to N03-1-N which undoubtedly becomes stimulatory through dilution in the lake. Discharge from the spray area can be traced into Lake Tahoe by following patterns of UV absorbance which correlate closely with patterns of primary productivity. This correlation, combined with estimates of continuing heavy NO3-A-N loading of Lake Tahoe by Heavenly Valley Creek, reveals the long-term impact of land disposal of effluent on the ultra-oligotrophic lake.
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