Anaesthesia management of rupture ectopic pregnancy with severe anaemia and state of shock - A case report

Autor: G H Megha, K R Dharunipriya, B Shivshankar, Ghodageri Shruti, Ashwini Narasannavar
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Preclinical and Clinical Research. 2:31-33
DOI: 10.51131/ijpccr/v2i1.3
Popis: Management of a patient with severe anemia is an important anaesthesia challenge. We have reported a case of a 24year old female who presented with a ruptured extra uterine pregnancy. Patient was having a severe anemia. The post-operative period was uneventful and patient was discharged 8 days after surgery. Here we are discussing a management and outcome of this case which was performed under general anesthesia with massive blood transfusion. The duration of surgery was 1 hour 30 min and haemostasis was achieved in this period as well. Keywords: Severe anemia; Ectopic pregnancy; Hypovolemic shock; Massive blood transfusion
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