Density, thermal expansivity, and compressibility of liquid water from 0.deg. to 150.deg.. Correlations and tables for atmospheric pressure and saturation reviewed and expressed on 1968 temperature scale

Autor: George S. Kell
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 20:97-105
ISSN: 1520-5134
Popis: A review is given of the temperature dependence of the density of liquid water from 40" to 150°C. The inclusion of new literature data indicates that most previous correlations have been 10 ppm low at 70-80°C. An expression is derived, Equation 16, expressed on the IPTS-68 and valid from 0" to 150"C, that is in improved agreement with most data sets. Recent literature values of the velocity of sound permit the calculation of more reliable isothermal compressibilities. The errors of these compressibilities;, from velocity of sound, density, thermal expansivity, and specific heat, are examined, and the error in the calculated compressibilities is estimated as 0.3 X lO-'bar-.' at 4'C and as7 X 100°C. This paper supersedes two papers previously given by the same author. The revision of correlating and interpolating equations, and of estimated best values and their errors, must be repeated whenever standards are modified or a significant addition is made to the pool of experimental data. At atmospheric pressure (=1.01325 bar), the volume or density, the thermal expansivity, and the compressibility are among the properties of liquid water that are known with sufficient precision for the introduction of the 1968 lnternational Practical Temperature Scale (72) to make it
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