Coupling of exciton-polaritons inlow−Qcoupled microcavities beyond the rotating wave approximation

Autor: Kenneth D. Singer, John Grezmak, Bin Liu, Robert J. Twieg, Prabin Rai
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 92
ISSN: 1550-235X
Popis: We have demonstrated coupling between a pair of ultrastrong light-matter coupled microcavities composed of neat glassy organic dye films between metallic (silver) mirrors at room temperature. Based upon our modified coupled oscillator model, we have observed that the degeneracy between the Rabi splittings associated with the symmetric and antisymmetric cavity modes is broken by the higher-order antiresonant terms in the Hamiltonian associated with the breakdown of the rotating wave approximation in the ultrastrong coupling regime. These results are in quantitative agreement with both experiment and transfer matrix modeling. The component cavities are characterized by $Q$ factors around 12 and display a large vacuum Rabi splitting around $1.12$ eV between the upper and lower polariton branches, which is about $52%$ of the excited state energy, thus indicating ultrastrong coupling in each individual cavity. This large splitting is due to the large oscillator strength of the neat dye glass. We have also observed large polariton-induced incidence-side asymmetry in reflection spectra in a coupled cavity pair with one cavity having no exciton.
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