Autor: Sutino sutino, Sowiyah Sowiyah, Novita Eka Tristiana
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation. 2:322
ISSN: 2716-2338
Popis: The Importanat of the principal's leadership in implementing a character education program attracts the author to conduct research and this article discusses the results of a literature review conducted by the author. There are a number of articles on the review of principals' leadership and character educatiob especially in the world context that can be found. The purpose of thus review is to find out the principal's leadership in realizing character education in a world context. Based on the results of the literature reviews from various countries in the world, the authors find the scope of the article being reviewed is still very limited and it is very difficult to get literature that combines th two variables. The results of the literature review about principal's leadership shows that the principal's leadership in carrying out his role as a leader has an impact on teacher performance and student personality. Literature review of charcter education shows that the principal has a big role in realizing students personality. Thus, the authors are interested in following up related to the principal's leadership in realizing character education.
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