Analysis of Petrochemical Companies According to Accounting Statements on the Example of PJSC «Sibur Holding»

Autor: L. Akgun, D. V. Lysenko
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Vestnik NSUEM. :94-104
ISSN: 2073-6495
Popis: To survive in modern market conditions, as well as to participate in the ever-increasing competitive struggle, companies need to conduct their activities more effectively, which means that they constantly need to make a variety of decisions, which in turn entails the need to constantly give a real assessment of the effectiveness of the decisions and projects being implemented, competently conduct economic analysis, find reserves for this activity. This is where the relevance of the development of the basic methodological principles of economic analysis in the conditions of risk and uncertainty in an industry based on scientific basis taking into account the specific characteristics of the sector in question.The subject of this study is a set of both theoretical and practical aspects of analyzing the activities of petrochemical companies under conditions of risk and uncertainty, while the object of the study is Russian and foreign petrochemical and gas processing companies operating in the current conditions of the industry development.The purpose of this study is to formulate a methodology for analyzing the main indicators of the activities of petrochemical and gas processing companies and making decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty.The development of methodological principles is supposed to be carried out on the basis of the classical scientific and methodological base, taking into account the industry specific features of the activities of petrochemical and gas processing companies. In this paper, a study of modern methods of analyzing the effectiveness of activities is carried out, and the novelty of this work consists in combining the classical theory of economic analysis with the practical methods used today by petrochemical and gas producing companies in the process of their financial and economic activities.
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