Stem cell competition orchestrates skin homeostasis and ageing

Autor: Hiroyuki Matsumura, Adèle De Arcangelis, Emi K. Nishimura, Aki Takada, Tomoki Kato, Daisuke Nanba, Hironobu Morinaga, Kyosuke Asakawa, Shizuko Ichinose, Takeshi Namiki, Elisabeth Geroges-Labouesse, Nan Liu, Yasuaki Mohri
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Nature. 568:344-350
ISSN: 1476-4687
Popis: Stem cells underlie tissue homeostasis, but their dynamics during ageing—and the relevance of these dynamics to organ ageing—remain unknown. Here we report that the expression of the hemidesmosome component collagen XVII (COL17A1) by epidermal stem cells fluctuates physiologically through genomic/oxidative stress-induced proteolysis, and that the resulting differential expression of COL17A1 in individual stem cells generates a driving force for cell competition. In vivo clonal analysis in mice and in vitro 3D modelling show that clones that express high levels of COL17A1, which divide symmetrically, outcompete and eliminate adjacent stressed clones that express low levels of COL17A1, which divide asymmetrically. Stem cells with higher potential or quality are thus selected for homeostasis, but their eventual loss of COL17A1 limits their competition, thereby causing ageing. The resultant hemidesmosome fragility and stem cell delamination deplete adjacent melanocytes and fibroblasts to promote skin ageing. Conversely, the forced maintenance of COL17A1 rescues skin organ ageing, thereby indicating potential angles for anti-ageing therapeutic intervention. COL17A1-driven stem cell competition and symmetric cell divisions initially govern skin homeostasis, but the same mechanisms result in skin ageing later in life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE