How Is the Role Identity of Outside Directors Shaped?

Autor: Jin-ichiro Yamada, Toru Yoshikawa
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017:10609
ISSN: 2151-6561
DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2017.10609abstract
Popis: We investigate how outside directors perceive their director role. Using the semi-structured interview approach with 60 outside directors with various backgrounds, we are able to identify some important patterns of the perceptions of their director role and how such perceptions are shaped. Our findings are consistent with resource dependence theory in that outside directors’ role identity is influenced by their human capital. We also found that what CEOs expect of the role and contribution of individual outside directors influences the role identity of directors supporting the behavioral perspective of corporate governance. We conjecture that agency logic does not always drive how outside directors perceive their role in an institutional context where such logic is not deeply embedded.
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