Pestalotiopsis abietis C. M. Tian & M. Gu 2021, sp. nov

Autor: Gu, Mo, Hu, Dong-Wei, Han, Bing, Jiang, Ning, Tian, Cheng-Ming
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5485171
Popis: Pestalotiopsis abietis C.M. Tian & M. Gu, sp. nov.Figure 2 MycoBank no: MB 832473. Etymology:— abietis, named after the host Abies fargesii Asexual morph: Conidiomata pycnidial in culture on PDA, globose, scattered or gregarious and confluent, semi-immersed, dark brown, 100–650 μm diam. Conidiophores often reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells discrete ampulliform to lageniform, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline, with 1–2 proliferations, sometimes remain vegetative. Conidia 19.9–31.2 × 5.8–8.0 μm (x = 24.0 × 6.8 μm), fusiform, straight to slightly curved, 4–septate, basal cell conic to obconic, hyaline or slightly olivaceous, thin and verruculose, 2.4–8 μm long (x = 4.7 μm), with three median cells, doliform, concolourous, olivaceous, septa and periclinal walls darker than the rest of the cell, together 11.4–17.6 μm long (x = 14.8 μm) second cell from base 3.5–6.4 μm (x = 5 μm); third cell 3.8–6.1 μm (x = 4.9 μm); fourth cell 4– 5.8 μm (x = 4.9 μm); apical cell hyaline, conic, 2.4–6 μm long (x = 4.3 μm); with 1–3 tubular apical appendages (mainly 3), arising from the apex of the apical cell, 7.6–20.6 μm long (x = 14.1 μm); basal appendage 1.3–5.2 μm long. ......continued on the next page ......continued on the next page ......continued on the next page The ex-type strains are marked with *, and NA means not available. Culture characteristics: —Colonies on PDA attaining 25–45 mm diam after 7 d at 25 °C, with smooth edge, whitish, with sparse aerial mycelium on the surface with black, gregarious conidiomata; reverse similar in color. Materials examined: — CHINA, Shaanxi Prov., Ningshan County, Qinling Mountain, Huoditang forest park, 33°26’7”N 108°26’48”E, 1570 m a.s.l., on needles of Abies fargesii, N. Jiang & C.M. Tian, 3 July 2018 (Holotype BJFC-S1584, ex-type CFCC 53011; ibid. living culture CFCC 53012 and CFCC 53013). Notes: —This new species is introduced as molecular data showed it to be distinct, which is also supported by morphological traits. In the phylogram, P. abietis appears most closely related to P. parva. However, P. parva has shorter conidia compared with P. abietis (16.5–20 μm in P. parva vs. 19.9–31.2 μm in P. abietis) (Maharachchikumbura et al. 2014b). Therefore, we confirmed that P. abietis could be described as a new taxon.
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