Dimensions of Cantor and post varieties

Autor: D. M. Smirnov
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Algebra and Logic. 35:204-209
ISSN: 1573-8302
Popis: A dimension of a finitely based variety V of algebras is the greatest length of a basis (that is, an independent generating set) for the SC-theory SC(V) with the strong Mal'tsev conditions satisfied in V. A dimension is said to be infinite if the lengths of bases in SC(V) are unbounded. We prove that the dimension of a Cantor variety Cm,n in the general form, i.e., with n>m≥1, is infinite. The algorithm of constructing a basis of any given length in SC(Cm,n) is presented. By contrast, any Post variety Pn generated by a primal algebra of order n>1 is shown to have a finite dimension not exceeding the number of maximal subalgebras in the iterative Post algebra over the set {0,1,…,n−1}. Specifically, the dimension of the variety of Boolean algebras is at most four.
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