An Analysis of Relevant Studies on Language Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

Autor: Faruk Polatcan, İsmail Çoban, Onur Er
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Shanlax International Journal of Education. 9:68-76
ISSN: 2582-1334
DOI: 10.34293/education.v9is2-sep.4372
Popis: It is clear that language learning strategies play very important roles in the understanding of language learning processes, as well as in the skills students develop in learning a foreign or second language. In this study, studies on language learning strategies in teaching Turkish to foreigners were examined. In this context, content analyses of 24 studies published by 2021 were carried out. While scanning design was used in most of the reviewed studies, the Oxford Language Learning Strategies Scale (1990) was used as a measurement tool. As a result of the studies, it was found that women from foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language use language learning strategies more effectively than men, and the use of language learning strategies remains as age increases. As a result of the research, the lecturers were advised to guide students’ language learning strategies and to use their language learning strategies in lessons. Regarding the use of language learning strategies, it has been recommended to researchers at different language levels and to conduct research with larger populations.
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