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The Korean navy has made many efforts to apply the concepts of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and M&S to its naval design and production. However, most of the efforts that have being applied to some acquisition processes, focused only on the element technologies without information models and data frameworks. This study discusses an information model of naval ships for advanced nava l acquisitions. We introduce a naval ship product model, and it refers to the DPD (Distributed Product Description) concept of SBA (Simulation-Based Acquisition). To realize the product model concept, we design a data architecture and develop a Product Model Management System (PMMS) based on a PDM System. It is validated through the case study of building the product model of the battle ship that the PMMS has the applicab ility to effectively manage the naval ship acquisition data on the basis of a 3D product mo del. ※Keywords: Naval ship producr model(함정 제품모델), PLM (제품수명주기관리), PDM (제품데이터관리), SBA(시뮬레이션 기반 획득) 접수일: 2007년12월8일, 승인일: 2009년1월5일 g교신저자: dk5@snu.ac.kr, 02-882-3563 |