Encoding and retrieval eye movements mediate age differences in pattern completion

Autor: Jordana Wynn, Bradley Buchsbaum, Jennifer Ryan
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/mdx3f
Popis: Older adults often mistake new information as ‘old’, yet, the mechanisms underlying this response bias remain unclear. Typically, false alarms by older adults are thought to reflect pattern completion – the retrieval of a previously encoded stimulus in response to partial input. However, other work suggests that age-related retrieval errors can be accounted for by deficient encoding processes. In the present study, we used eye movement (EM) monitoring to quantify older adults’ pattern completion bias as a function of EMs during both encoding and partially cued retrieval. Analysis of EMs revealed reduced encoding-related differentiation (i.e., more similar EMs across encoded images) and increased retrieval-related reinstatement (i.e., more similar EMs across encoding and retrieval) by older relative to younger adults, with both encoding and retrieval EMs predicting false alarms. These findings indicate that age-related changes in both encoding and retrieval processes, indexed by EMs, underlie older adults’ increased vulnerability to memory errors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE