Ore-controlling thrust faults at the Bazovskoe gold-ore deposit (Eastern Yakutia)

Autor: V. Yu. Fridovsky, L. I. Polufuntikova, Nikolay A. Goryachev, Maxim V. Kudrin
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Doklady Earth Sciences. 474:617-619
ISSN: 1531-8354
Popis: This work presents results of structural analysis of the orogenic Bazovskoe gold-ore deposit, the structure of which is controlled by an imbricate fan with frontal succession of ore-controlling thrust faults and conjugated thrust ramps. It was established that linear and stratified stockworks and their combinations are formed by several systems of quartz veins and veinlets, regularly related to thrusting along the ore-controlling zones and interlayer shears. In addition, superimposed shear deformations are widely distributed. The features revealed of the geological structure of the Bazovskoe gold-ore deposit allow us to refine the prospecting and searching pattern developed for gold-ore deposits of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma fold belt.
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