Construction of the Political Other in Citizens' Comments on Politicians' Facebook Pages

Autor: Oyewole Adekunle Oladapo
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Journal of E-Politics. 8:17-29
ISSN: 1947-914X
Popis: Facebook is emerging as a platform for moderately civil political discussion because of its high level of identifiability. To confirm if Facebook construction of political opposition is equally civil, this study content analyses 28 comment threads (N=3,311 comments) from the Facebook pages of four aspirants in two Nigerian gubernatorial elections. The study finds that civil comments, though mostly impolite, dominate the Facebook pages of the aspirants. It finds also a significant relationship between comment position and its politeness and civility. Neutral comments are most likely to be civil and polite while dissenting comments are most likely to be uncivil. More than others, dissenting comments constitute a potent discursive tool for othering political opposition into a politically disadvantaged position.
Databáze: OpenAIRE