The role of individual characteristics in sustainable food choices: A cross-cultural study between Italy and Turkey

Autor: Riccardo Migliavada, Carol Coricelli, Esra Emine Bolat, Ceyhun Uçuk, Luisa Torri
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Given the environmental challenge we face globally, a transition to sustainable diets seems essential. However, the cognitive aspects underlying sustainable food consumption have received little attention to date. The aims of this cross-cultural study were: 1) to investigate how impulsivity traits and individuals’ perception of food environmental impact influence their frequency of consumption of animal- and plant-based foods; 2) to understand the modulation of individual characteristics (i.e. generation, sex, BMI, and sustainability knowledge). An online survey investigating impulsivity traits, sustainability knowledge and ratings of diverse food items was designed and administered to respondents from Italy (N=992) and Turkey (N=896). Results showed that Turkish respondents were higher in impulsivity and animal products consumption. Italians, instead, had greater sustainability knowledge and consumed more plant-based foods. Females in both groups reported greater knowledge of sustainability, consistent with previous findings. In terms of generations, the lowest consumption of animal products was reported by Turkish Generation Z and Italian Millennials. In conclusion, this study shed light on the interaction of psychological factors and individual characteristics with the perceived environmental impact of foods. Moreover, the adopted cross-cultural approach allowed to identify several differences in participants' responses ascribable to their different nationalities and gastronomic cultures.
Databáze: OpenAIRE