Homes-Link, Wesley Road, Cubert, Cornwall - Results of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Autor: Wallis, Sean
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5284/1108512
Popis: This report presents the results of archaeological monitoring and recording that was carried out by South West Archaeology Ltd. (SWARCH) for a residential development at Homes-Link, Wesley Road, Cubert, Cornwall. The work was carried out in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation (Boyd 2022) that was drawn up in consultation with Cornwall Council. The site had been subject to clearance and landscaping prior to SWARCH attending. All structures and modern landscaping on the site had been removed and the plot for the proposed houses had been stripped, with the northern part of the site having been raised with subsoil and redeposited natural from these excavations. This had created two terraces, with a narrow and partially stoned access between the two terraced areas. The stripped area consisted of an area that was approximately 20m east to west by 12m north to south. It had been stripped by a machine that was fitted with a toothless grading bucket to the level of formation. As such, the south-western corner of the site had been terraced into the natural by c.0.30m. The stratigraphy of the site was comprised of: topsoil, a mid grey-brown clay-silt topsoil c.0.45-0.50m thick; that appeared to directly overlay the natural, a mid grey-yellow silt-clay with abundant stone (shillet). No archaeological features or deposits were visible in plan or in the visible sections. The visibility splay into the site was widened as part of works and this demonstrated that the hedge bank to the south of the drive was fronted with herring bone slate stone, seemingly just built against the natural soil and subsoil of the site, and that there was very little real bank, with the earthwork being exaggerated by the lower height of Wesley Road. No features other than modern services were noted and the only finds that were recovered were all 20th century in date and included 2 shards of green bottle glass and an ornate ceramic fruit salad basket.
Databáze: OpenAIRE