Notice of Retraction: A Efficient Method for Computing Incremental Transmission Losses Based Upon the Method of DC Power Flow

Autor: Yan Zhang, Erkeng Yu
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 2010 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference.
Popis: In experiments and calculations of the incremental transmission losses-?, the Author find that if use the Matrix formed by double of the line resistance-2R to replace the B matrix of DC power formed by susceptance, the result will not be the node voltage phase angle but be incremental transmission losses-?. Then the author use the Kirchmaver five nodes example to contrast the results of this method with other methods: Shouts' Least Squares, Podmore's DC power flow and Jacobian method. From the Comparison we can prove the correction of the method proposed in this paper. The Method has many advantages such as clear conception, simple calculation process and consistent accuracy, so the method can be used in economic dispatch and biding in power market.
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