Apariiia i Evoluuia Instituuiei Juridice a Tutelei Minorului (The Emergence and Evolution of the Minor's Guardianship)

Autor: Rodica Peptan
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
Popis: Romanian Abstract: La origini, tutela nu a fost creata ca o instituţie juridica pentu protecţia incapabilului de fapt sui iuris, ci pentru protecţia familiei civile, in interesul agnaţilor si genţilor. Acestia erau succesori legali ai incapabilului, astfel ca nu-si puteau lasa bunurile in mâinile sale, pastrând dreptul de tutela legitima chiar si atunci când ei insisi erau nebuni sau impuberi. Incet, incepând cu sfârsitul Republicii, tutela incepe sa se contureze ca un concept ce vizeaza protecţia persoanei incapabilului, cunoscând mai multe stadii si forme pâna la instituţia juridica reglementata in prezent de noul Cod civil. English Abstract:Originally tutelage was not created as an juridical institution for proper legal protection of actually incapable sui iuris, but to protect the civilian family, in the Agnati's interest. They were the legal successors of incapable, so that they could not leave the goods in his hands, keeping legitimate right of guardianship even when they themselves were crazy or prepubescent.Slowly, from the end of the Republic, guardianship is taking shape as a concept aimed at protecting the incapable person, knowing several stages and forms to the judicial institution currently regulated by the new Civil Code.
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