Hémothorax iatrogène récidivant

Autor: P Lagadec, F Domergue, R Ascencio, S Vergne, J Campistron
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Réanimation Urgences. 9:571-574
ISSN: 1164-6756
Popis: A case of recurrent hemothorax following accidental puncture of a normal aorta has been recorded. The patient was admitted for chronic bronchitis with subsequent dyspnea, and edema in the left lower leg. After clinical investigation, treatment included pleural drainage, during which arterial bleeding occurred. CT scan showed the absence of any aneurysm, but it revealed an accidental puncture of the descending aorta, which was directly in contact with the thoracic wall and situated very posteriorly. To the authors' knowledge, this is the only report in the literature on an accidental puncture of a normal aorta. However, one case of aneurysmal descending thoracic aorta and accidental puncture has already been reported.
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