Response to the comment by B. Hapke on 'A critical assessment of the Hapke photometric model'

Autor: Viktor Korokhin, Gorden Videen, D. G. Stankevich, V. G. Kaydash, Yuriy Shkuratov, Evgenij Zubko, Dmitry Petrov, Yu. I. Velikodsky
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 116:191-195
ISSN: 0022-4073
Popis: In this note we address critical comments given by Hapke (in this issue) [1] on our paper “A critical assessment of the Hapke photometric model” (Shkuratov et al., 2012 [2] ) elaborating further on weak points of this model. One of the main problems of the H-model is the too free juggling with formulas, leading, in particular, to violation of energy conservation. The model is filled with ungrounded approximations and unsupported conclusions. Some of the model assumptions are mutually contradictory, e.g., it considers anisotropic single-particle phase functions to describe incoherent multiple scattering and simultaneously uses the isotropic function in order to calculate coherent backscattering. Another well-known problem of the H-model is that some of the model parameters have similar effects on the reflectance, which makes it difficult to retrieve unique parameter values. The model uses empirical parameters and, hence, is empirical.
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