Book Reviews

Autor: Irby C. Nichols, Harry E. Wade, Robert O. Lindsay, Gerald H. Davis, Eckard V. Toy, James L. Forsythe, Ross W. Beales, Raymond C. Bailey, Peter Gregg Slater, George W. Geib, Thomas T. Lewis, Dana Greene, Richard Robertson
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Teaching History: A Journal of Methods. 9:87-96
ISSN: 0730-1383
DOI: 10.33043/th.9.2.87-96
Popis: Peter C. Rollins, Editor. Hollywood as Historian: American Film in a Cultural Context. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1983. Pp. x, 276. Paper, $10.00; Cloth, $26.00. Review by Richard Robertson of the Alabama Humanities Resource Center. M. A. Fitzsimmons. The Past Recaptured: Great Historians and the History of History. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983. Pp. ix, 230. Cloth, $16.95. Review by Dana Greene of St. Mary's College of Maryland. Peter Loewenberg. Decoding the Past: The Psychohistorical Approach. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1983. Pp. 300. Cloth, $20.00. Review by Thomas T. Lewis of Mount Senario College. John Anthony Scott. The Ballad of America: The History of the United States in Song and Story. Second edition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. Pp. xiii, 439. Paper, $12.95. Review by George W. Geib of Butler University. Stanley Coben and Lorman Ratner, eds. The Development of an American Culture. Second edition. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983. Pp. viii, 371. Cloth, $15.95; Paper, $8.95. Review by Peter Gregg Slater of Mercy College. Jerome R. Reich. Colonial America. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984. Pp. x, 307. Paper, $15.95. Review by Raymond C. Bailey of Northern Virginia Community College. Vivian C. Fox and Martin H. Quitt, eds. Loving, Parenting, and Dying: The Family Cycle in England and America., Past and Present. New York: Psychohistory Press, 1981. Pp. vi, 488. Cloth, $38.50; paper, $11.95. Review by Ross W. Beales, Jr. of the College of the Holy Cross. Arthur S. Link and William A. Link. The Twentieth Century: An American History. Arlington Heights, Illinois: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1983. Pp. x, 374. Cloth, $27.50; Paper, $16.95. Review by James L. Forsythe of Fort Hays State University. Mine Okubo. Citizen 13660. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1983. Pp. xii, 209. Paper, $8.95. Review by Eckard V. Toy, Jr. of Oregon State University. Brian Catchpole. A Map History of Our Own Times from the 1950s to the Present Day. London and Exeter: Heinemann Books, 1983. Pp. vii, 148. Paper, $7.00. Review by Gerald H. Davis of Georgia State University. Edward Peters. Europe and the Middle Ages. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983. Pp. 319. Paper, $14.95. Review by Robert O. Lindsay of the University of Montana. P. M. Harman. The Scientific Revolution. London and New York: Methuen, 1983. Pp. vii, 35. Paper, $2.95. J. H. Shennan; France Before the Revolution. London and New York: Methuen, 1983. Pp. vii, 35. Paper, $2.95. Review by Harry E. Wade of East Texas State University. Woodruff D. Smith. European Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Chicago: Nelson Hall Publishers, 1982. Pp. vii, 273. Cloth, $20.95; Paper, $10.95. Review by Irby C. Nichols Jr., North Texas State University.
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