Un modèle de données adapté à la recherche d’information dans le dossier patient informatisé: Étude, conception et évaluation

Autor: Stéfan Jacques Darmoni, Saoussen Sakji, Philippe Massari, Tayeb Merabti, Julien Grosjean, Ahmed-Diouf Dirieh Dibad, Lina Fatima Soualmia
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Informatique et Santé ISBN: 9782817802848
Popis: Background: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have an important role in medical decision making and are considered as being a major part of medical support system. To ensure this role effectively, the information must be easily found, even in voluminous and large number of EHRs. This requires to develop search capabilities for EHR information retrieval (IR). Methods: To perform this, we propose a data model adapted to IR. The data analysis of EHRs of the Rouen University Hospital led us to consider them as being a set of informational elements linked by temporal and conceptual relationships. This model consists of two main entities to manage the information elements and their metadata. After implementation, we have evaluated the capacity of the proposed model to take into account all data from the EHRs and its adaptation to IR. Results: We have performed 25 queries on EHR (20 correspond to single patient and 5 to multi-patients). The results in 19 cases (including 3 partial results) were evaluated as successful. These results confirm the ability of the model to take into account most of relevant data of EHR in IR and clearly show the differences in complexity of queries between the initial and our model of IR. Conclusion: The preliminary evaluation of the data model we have developed has shown its adaptation to IR in EHR. Nevertheless, further work on larger sets is needed to confirm this.
Databáze: OpenAIRE