Autor: Mykola Ivanov, Viktoriia Khaustova, Olena Kozyreva
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, "Economics" Series. 1:53-58
ISSN: 2311-5149
DOI: 10.25264/2311-5149-2021-20(48)-53-58
Popis: The article proposes to improve the project risk management system in IT companies of Ukraine in modern economic conditions. It is noted that in today's conditions, all developed countries and countries seeking development are focused on innovation and growth of IT technologies as the most promising areas of economic growth. It is noted that the IT industry is one of the locomotives of Ukraine's economy, which leads in the list of the most promising sectors of the national economy. The COVID-19 pandemic, which affected almost all areas of the national economy, did not significantly affect the development of IT technologies and the activities of IT companies. But, despite the success of the IT sector, it is necessary to improve the existing project risk management system in order to build an effective project management system and to surge the development of domestic IT companies. It is noted that in almost all IT companies the main process of the overall management system of the organization is "project management", and the system of "risk management" is considered ancillary, despite the fact that project risks have a huge impact on achieving key project goals and project profitability.. According to the authors, the management of IT companies should pay more attention to quantitative and qualitative assessment of project risks. Measurement of the degree of risk in absolute terms should be used to characterize certain types of losses, and in relative – when comparing the projected level of losses with the real level. Common methods of quantitative assessment of the degree of risk are: statistical method; method of cost-effectiveness analysis; method of expert assessments; analytical method; method of using analogues, etc. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the existing project risk management system in IT companies of Ukraine on the basis of improving the assessment of project risks and determining the sequence of management actions in case of risk situations for projects. It is noted that the proposed risk management algorithm will increase the efficiency of the project risk management system in IT companies of Ukraine. How to quote: Khaustova VE, Kozyreva OV, Ivanov ME Improvement of the management systemproject risks in Ukrainian IT companies. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Economics": a scientific journal. Jail:Published by NaUOA, March 2021. № 20 (48). Pp. 53–58. Formula: 0; fig .: 2; tab .: 1; bibl .: 12. Link: 1. 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