Slaughter information and rennin production from bobby calves

Autor: A.H. Kirton, D.J. Paterson, N.H. Clarke
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 14:897-901
ISSN: 1175-8775
DOI: 10.1080/00288233.1971.10421681
Popis: Information was collected on products of economic importance from 20 bobby calves resulting predominantly from crosses between Friesians and Jerseys and from 26 predominantly Jersey calves. In addition veils were obtained from three foetal calves. Carcass weights could be accurately predicted from live weight, and one regression equation fitted both series of calves. Carcass weights and other products were heavier at the same age for the Friesian x Jersey calves than for the Jersey series. Regression equations for predicting veil, skin, and liver weights from live weights are also presented. The results for calves up to 27 days old did not indicate that the number of veils needed to produce 1 gal of N.Z. Standard Strength Rennet increased with age. The veils of foetal calves contained rennin.
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