Research on Deicing Method Based on Lamb Wave Excited by Piezoelectric Patch

Autor: Chun-Guang Xu, Quan-Peng Yu, Ming-Hua Zhao, Shi-Yuan Zhou, Xiao-Dan Hu, Peng-Jiao Yao
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 IEEE Far East NDT New Technology & Application Forum (FENDT).
Popis: The effective removal of aircraft icing is the necessary guarantee for the safe flight of aircraft. The construction of a deicing system with low power consumption, lightweight, and high reliability is the new requirement of deicing technology development. In this paper, a low-power deicing method based on the shear stress generated by Lamb waves excited by the piezoelectric patch is proposed. The ability of Lamb waves with different modes to produce interface shear stress under a given input power is studied. It is found that Lamb waves can produce large shear stress in the (0-0.5) MHz band of A0 mode and (1-1.5) MHz band of S0 mode. At the same time, the influence of piezoelectric patch thickness on the interface input shear stress is analyzed by simulation. It is found that the interface input shear stress decreases monotonically with the increase of piezoelectric patch thickness. Finally, the optimal Lamb wave mode and the size of the piezoelectric patch are determined.
Databáze: OpenAIRE