Ecology and structure of Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. (Orchidaceae) coenopopulations in the Northern Urals

Autor: I.A. Kirillova, S.V. Degteva, Y.A. Dubrovskiy, A.B. Novakovskiy
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Theoretical and Applied Ecology. :69-77
ISSN: 2618-8406
Popis: Data on ecology, phytocoenological preferences and population structure of the species Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. of Orchidacea family in the Northern Urals are considered. Investigations were carried out during 2000–2016 in the three protected areas: Pechoro-Ilychsky reserve, Un’insky complex sanctuary and Yugyd Va national park. 23 coenopopulations were studied. 72 releves with G. repens were used to study phytocoenotical preferences and ecological parameters of the species. The species has wide phytocoenotical range establishing various forest formations and forest types – green moss, herb and sphagnum, being more often in the communities of association Piceetum myrtilloso-hylocomiosum. The species establishes mainly ecotopes with medium humidity and weakly acid poor soils, and refers to the semi-shadow group of plants according to Ellenberg’s scale. The studied coenopopulations are small and full up to 500 individual shoots. Spatial structure of G. repens coenopopulations was determined by occurrence of well-developed isolated clusters resulted from prevailing vegetative reproduction of the model species. In the Komi Republic, such clusters ranging from 1 to 3–6 m2 size consist of several tens or hundreds of individual plants with an average density from 9 to 224 shoots per m2 . All the coenopopulations under study were full and their ontogenetic spectra were similar with the prevalence of immature or adult vegetative shoots. Average ontogenetic spectrum of all the coenopopulations under study was as follows: juvenile shoots – 8.7%, immature – 39.8%, adult vegetative – 37.7%, generative – 13.8%. It corresponds to the basic spectrum of the species that is the evidence of the stable population’s state. We suggest that G. repens is well adapted to the Northern Urals where there are many suitable ecotopes in the large arrays of intact forests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE