Pilot Study of Dynamics of Electric Resistance Change for Acupuncture Points by Means of Measuring Generators with Prescribed Electric Power

Autor: A. Yu. Demin, T. P. Tyrnova, F. A. Gizatullin, G. V. Milovzorov, D. Yu. Pashali
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Intellekt. Sist. Proizv.. 19:18-25
ISSN: 2410-9304
DOI: 10.22213/2410-9304-2021-4-18-25
Popis: The paper presents the results of an experiment to test various hypotheses about the biorhythms of acupuncture meridian activity by analyzing the results of measurements of electrical resistance at acupuncture points. In known studies, measurements are carried out using the hardware base of the Nakatani and Voll methods, as well as their modifications and various variants of bioimpedance methods. Such approaches do not allow organizing, in the case of biologically active points with different electrical resistance, the same energy disturbance introduced into the object during the measurement process, and, accordingly, to obtain sufficient reliability and reproducibility of the results. When analyzing the biorhythms of acupuncture points, other researchers do not take into account the influence of time zones and other factors that contribute to the shift of local time from the time of solar activity. The calculated intervals obtained using different methods for determining the time of activity may not even intersect. The authors have tried to avoid the shortcomings found in previous studies on monitoring electrical resistance at acupuncture points. The measurements were carried out using a two-channel measuring system based on a measuring generator with the prescribed electric power. A decrease in electrical resistance at the C7 acupuncture point in the calculated range of activity of the heart meridian was registered. The analysis of the experimental data confirms the correctness of using the refined methodology for calculating the time of activity of acupuncture meridians with reference to the moments of sunrise and sunset. The decrease in electrical resistance is various for different age groups. The use of measuring generators with the effect of prescribed electrical power makes it possible to obtain new data on biological objects, due to the implementation of the measurement mode with a fixed effect of the value of electrical energy, independent of the resistance of the object.
Databáze: OpenAIRE