Noble gases and nitrogen in CV3 chondrite Bukhara

Autor: Shuhrat A. Ehgamberdiev, R. R. Mahajan, Sekhar Naik
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Planetary and Space Science. 207:105334
ISSN: 0032-0633
Popis: We investigated noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) and nitrogen isotopic composition in the carbonaceous chondrite Bukhara (CV3). This is the first report of N and noble gases measured in the same aliquot of bulk sample among the CV3 chondrites. Isotopic compositions of noble gases are mixtures of solar wind and Q-gases. We derive cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age of 22.6 ​± ​4.0 ​Ma from cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar for Bukhara. Nitrogen abundance observed in Bukhara is lowest compared with the data from CV3 chondrites. We estimate the trapped nitrogen composition of δ15N ​= ​+ 10.9 ​± ​1.6‰ for Bukhara, distinct from average (δ15N ​= ​- 16.3 ​± ​1.5‰) in the bulk CV3 chondrites. Bukhara shows signature of heavy nitrogen, which is distinct than the solar wind (SW) and Q-gas. Trapped nitrogen is mixture of the components, SW, Q and comet. It is observed that there is no correlation of nitrogen composition with N content in the CV3 chondrites.
Databáze: OpenAIRE