Effect of detector response time on the distortion of spectral peaks of Gaussian shape

Autor: G J Butterworth
Rok vydání: 1968
Zdroj: Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments. 1:1165-1167
ISSN: 0022-3735
DOI: 10.1088/0022-3735/1/12/305
Popis: In scanning a spectral peak, significant distortion may result when the response time of the detection and recording system is comparable to, or greater than, the half-width of the peak. Such distortion appears as an increase in line width, decrease in pulse height, time displacement of input and output pulses and some asymmetry. Equations giving the output pulse width, apparent sensitivity and time delay are derived, by assuming a spectral peak of Gaussian shape. Values of the above parameters obtained from numerical solutions of these equations are presented in graphical form, in terms of the initial peak width and the time constant of the detection system.
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